Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips
There is a lot of data on this health blog on what to do when you’re seeking to lose weight and get your abs to demonstrate. I thought it would be nice to create a tips sheet so you can refer to this page when you feel like you are falling off track and need to beautify your motivation. I’ll incorporate a sub-list of healthy food snacks as other options to a junk that layers our stomach and prevents us from seeing definition in our muscles.

In fact, I’ll add a downloadable PDF at the end of this article so you can use and keep the tips near your fridge. It's going to serve as a powerful motivator whilst you health conscious about the nutrition choices you make.

Ready? Let’s get started!

Weight Loss Tips That Work:

Weight Loss Tips
Drink water and then drink even more. Aim to drink one glass (250ml) of water every hour. As well as an extra 2 glasses for each 30 minutes you exercise. When your pee is a very light yellow you will be aware that you are getting enough water. All non-carbonated non-caffeinated drinks count as well (e.g. milk, juice, herbal tea).

Eat every 2-3 hours. Yes, which means you are probably going to be eating often. The key is to always be feeding your body with healthy choices…read the following couple tips…

Try these healthy snack ideas: your favourite fruit/berries (blueberries kick ass), number of almonds/walnuts/peanuts, celery/carrots with cayenne sprinkled at the top, fruit protein smoothie, low-fat cottage type cheese with teaspoon honey, vanilla yogurt with fruit, apples with organic peanut butter.

Stay with fresh fruits, vegetables and meats whenever possible. The only exception is the fact that frozen fruit may be known to have great nutrients and vitamins because they are picked near to being ripe before they are frozen (which means these people have a higher value with regards to minerals and vitamins they supply).

Monitor your eating habits. When you feel like you are falling track keep track of whatever you are eating in the journal. I bet you after 72 hours you will be eating healthier!

Steer clear of junk food. This probably doesn’t need to be said again, but junk foods that are found in a box, plastic packaging or can commonly are not the healthiest choices, this includes chips, rice cakes, most crackers, cookies, granola bars, canned soups/chilis.

Chocolate or sweet-tooth craving? Use a banana first!

Jumping rope for 10minutes a day or start with a 20 minute brisk walk every day. Aim for 3 days of aerobic workouts a week and 2-3 times of strength training. For weight loss, strive for higher reps about 12-14 repetitions and 4 groups of each exercise, using a total of 7 weight training exercise exercises a day.

Sleep 7-8 hours every night. No exceptions. Adequate sleep makes it possible to control your cravings and helps maximize the efficiency of the muscles.

Stay positive and don’t weigh yourself. Focus on how good you feel after eating healthy and especially after you work out. Look in the mirror and know you might be becoming the healthiest you've ever been.

Above are 10 of my favorite weight loss tips. Read them, study them, and them near to you! Your results is going to be extremely positive and extremely rewarding. Again, should you ever feel like you are falling off track just quickly reference this list along with your strong will-power you will be successful in reaching your goals.


Weight Loss Tips